Melissa Darrow Engleman Composer

The collected works of composer Melissa Darrow Engleman.

Music for the Taekwondo Taekuk Poomsae

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Poomsae are choreographed attack and defense movements designed for Taekwondo students to learn and improve their skills. Taekuk is a set of 8 forms, each represented by the trigrams that circle the um and yang symbol in a way that demonstrates opposition and unity of the universe. For example, the trigrams for earth (imperfect, represented by 3 broken lines) and Heaven (perfect, represented by 3 solid lines) are set directly across from each other. They are also split in half, with the yin symbols on one side (blue) and yang on the other (red).

In the next posts, there are clips of the taekuk poomsae music, as well as explanations of concepts behind it.