Melissa Darrow Engleman Composer

The collected works of composer Melissa Darrow Engleman.

Taekuk EE Jang. (2nd form): ☱

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This poomsae is introduced to the 7th geup student. It adds the high punch to the skills already learned practicing Il Jang. The trigram for Ee Jang is “tae”, meaning river. This is represented with the uppermost line of the trigram broken, and the other lines solid. Taekuk Ee Jang is performed with inner strength and outer gentleness.

In the beginning of the Ee Jang music, I wanted to keep it energetic, but flowing, like a river. The music uses descending scales, like water flowing. The rest of the music alternates between strong rhythms (dynamic inner power) and flowing rhythms (outer gentleness). 45 seconds.